MyTenants Web Application

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Nov 21, 2021

Hablar con el vendedor

Detalles del producto

My Tenants website is created to help you and your real estate to
follow your tenant's monthly bills and monthly payments with all
statistics with profit and monthly costs. 

The application is created as a final project for IT school, and I see the potential for this application to grow, with the right marketing for the application and people who will work on this application to grow!

Operations of MyTenants business will be based on people who have real estate and rent them, then MyTenants is coming as handy help for them to help them to follow all their tenants, and for MyTenats services the landlords will be charged on a monthly basis.

Key Highlights

MyTenants website is created to help you and your real estate to follow your tenant's monthly bills and monthly payments with all statistics with profit and monthly costs


Operations of MyTenants business will be based on people who have real estate and rent them, then MyTenants is coming as handy help for them to help them to follow all their tenants, and for MyTenats services the landlords will be charged on a monthly basis.


MyTenants application is a very new application without any marketing and for now, the application doesn't have any customers.


The application is created as a final project for IT school, the application doesn't have any financial support.

Additional Notes

The application is created as a final project for IT school, and I see the potential for this application to grow, with the right marketing for the application and people who will work on this application to grow!

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  • 📁 MyTenants Web Application

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